News & Announcements

Liheng visited Institute of Chemistry at CAS

Liheng visited Institute of Chemistry at Chinese Acadmey of Science in Beijing and gave talk entitled "Polymer science as a tool for materials design and biological understanding." Thanks Prof. Zhengzhong Yang and Prof. Qi Liao, an old friend of Prof. Cai, for warm hosting. 

Liheng visited Tsinghua University

On November 3, Liheng visited Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua Univeristy. Liheng also gave a talk entitled "Polymer science as a tool for materials design and biological discovery." Thanks Prof. Jianhong Xu for hosting. Also, Liheng got a chance to catch up with old friends in Tsinghua - Prof. Xing Yang, Prof. Yong Guo, and Dr. Weichao Shi. 
