News & Announcements

Our group receives NSF CAREER Award

This award would not be possible without the hard work from all Cai Lab members, especially Shifeng and Zihao, the support from UVA, senior mentors, and, most notably, Dr. Andy Lovinger! 

Shifeng Nian joins SBML as a postdoc!

Dr. Shifeng Nian joins SBML as a postdoc! Shifeng is an expert in organic chemistry. In SBML Lab he will be working on 3D printable polymers. Welcome Shifeng!

Zihao Gong joins SBML as a PhD student.

Soft Biomatter Laboratory (SBML) welcomes Zihao Gong, a Ph.D. student in MSE! Zihao obtained his B.S. from East China University of Science and Technology and M.S. from University of Akron. He will study 3D printable, soft yet 'dry' polymers. Welcome Zihao!
